Extreme Cold Warning in the United States: The Science Behind the Deep Freeze

This blog focuses on the articles based on science and technology. By reading this articles you would definitely develop interest in science. This articles would be only for educational purposes and would help you in knowing new tech things also with your studies , if you are science student.
Our immune system has one job: helping our bodies defend and recover from illness.
Unhealthy diets – high on calories from sugars, meats, and dairy products – are usually associated with health problems like obesity and metabolic diseases. But they can also cause a tremendous imbalance in our immune system, thus weakening it.
Regularly eating foods that are not nutritious can break down our immune defense, similar to how invaders can damage a fortress. This, in turn, can also make one more susceptible to new and reoccurring illnesses.
Why Is Immunity Our Best Defense?
I want you to think of your body as a well-designed fortress. Every day, our body silently defends itself against potential harm through its layered system of defense. It can defend and repair when it is challenged.
Our cells are like the army of protectors, each with specific roles to play to help our body defend itself. If unsuccessful, they will repair the body when needed. That is why nutrition is so important. Our cells need nutrients that come in the form of:
Within these three broad categories, we understand the specific importance of protein, healthy essential fats like omega-3, the power of fiber to support our microbiome, and of course, vitamins, minerals and plant-based nutrients that keep our body in optimal condition.
A Real-Life Story on the Impact of Good Nutrition
While deficiency is rare in developed countries, many people in developing countries do not get enough essential vitamins over a long period of time. Back in 1976, an eye doctor was working in Indonesia to reduce the number of children who would go blind because of a deficiency in Vitamin A. He noticed that when these individuals were given vitamin A, they also were not dying from common infections in the country like measles or diarrhea.
This led to studies and the eventual recommendation by the World Health Organization for universal vitamin A supplementation. The World Bank declared vitamin A supplementation one of the most cost-effective of all health interventions.
This teaches us that whether it is vitamin A, D, or C, minerals like Magnesium or Zinc, or antioxidants from plants or protein – our cells need the right balance of nutrients to do the job they were meant to do.
Whether you are looking to change a number of bad habits or only one or two, there are some basic principles when it comes to navigating your way through the behavior change process. So, here are some tips for smoother sailing:
Set Your Behavior Goals and Make Them Reasonable
Be specific. “I want to get physically fit” or “I will eat better” is too vague. Instead, set a goal such as “I will walk 30 minutes a day” or “I will pack my own lunch twice a week.”
Start With the Easiest Changes First
Once you tackle those and feel successful, you’ll feel empowered to take on more challenges. As each small change becomes permanent, they’ll start to add up–which can add up to big health benefits, too.
Don’t Think ‘Forever’
Try just getting through a weekend without overdoing it, or take things one day at a time—or even a meal at a time if you have to.
Keep Track so You Know How Well You’re Doing
If you’ve been trying to boost your physical activity, keep a log of your minutes or miles. If you’re trying to cut back on sweets, set a limit for the week and keep track. And, for each small success, give yourself a pat on the back.
Try to Anticipate What Might Derail You and Plan Accordingly
If parties are your undoing, plan to have a snack before you go, and decide ahead of time how many drinks you’ll have. If you know you’ll hit the snooze button instead of exercising in the morning, put the alarm clock across the room–right next to your workout clothes.
Practice the Art of Distraction
When you get the urge to eat something you shouldn’t, tell yourself that you’ll wait 15 minutes before you give in. Chances are, you’ll get busy doing something else and forget about it.
Notice What Triggers Your Bad Habits and Break the Chain
If the vending machine at work tempts you every time you walk by, find another route so you’ll avoid it, or don’t carry any money with you. To stop nighttime noshing, head into the bathroom to brush your teeth instead of into the kitchen to raid the refrigerator.
Views expressed are personal to the author and Herbalife Nutrition shall neither be responsible nor liable for the same at any time.
This is only for general information and not intended to be a substitute for the advice of a qualified and registered medical practitioner or a recommendation for any treatment plan. Person with any specific or special medical condition should consult his/her physician before adopting suggested workout.
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