What is inside the Black Hole?
Over 100 years ago Einstein come up with geometric theory of gravity which deforms space time. So, matter deforms space-time, and then space-times tells matter in turn how to move around it. And you can get enough matter into a small enough region that it punctures space-time, an even light can't escape the force of gravity keeps even light inside.
So what are you seeing is that last orbit of photons. You are seeing Einstein's geometry laid bare. The puncture in space time is so deep that light moves around an orbit, so that light behind the black hole moves around and comes to us on these parallel lines at exactly that orbit.
It turns out, that the orbit is the square root of 27 times just a handful of fundamental constants. So, what's happening in this picture above is black hole is spinning. And you wind up with some of the gas moving towards us below and receding us from the top and just as train whistle has higher pitch when it's coming towards you, there's more energy from the gas coming towards us than going away from us.
You see the bottom part brighter because the light is actually being boosted in our direction. It is so big that, our entire solar system would fit well within that dark region.
If you have an spaceship so that you can whirl around that black hole, How long would it take? The innermost stable circular orbit, that's the innermost orbit at which matter can move around a black hole before it spirals in. For this black hole the answer is between three days and about a month.
So you have heard a term called "spaghettification,"Where you fall into a black hole and the gravitational field on your feet is much stronger than your head, so you are ripped apart. This black hole is so big that you are not going to become a spaghetti noodle. You are just going to drift right through that event horizen.
Black holes really are central mystery of our age, because that's where the quantum world and the gravitational world come together. What's inside is a singularity. And that's where all the forces become unified, because gravity is finally strong enough to compete with all the other forces. But it is hidden from us the universe has cloaked it in the ultimate invisibility cloak.
Now the question arises that
The photo of black hole how it was taken and from where?
The photo of the black hole is taken from another galaxy which is 55 million light years away and that galaxy was named as M87. In the heart of that galaxy there's a six and a half billion solar mass black hole, it means that six and a half billions suns are compressed at a single point. Black holes are the smallest objects in the known universe. But hey have outsize effects on whole galaxies.
But to see one you have to build a telescope as large as the earth, because the black hole that we are looking at gives off copious radio waves. It's emitting all the time. So the telescope were placed all around the world, synchronized them perfectly with atomic clocks, so they received the light waves from the black hole, and by stitching all of that data together to make an image. So that's how it is done.
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