Extreme Cold Warning in the United States: The Science Behind the Deep Freeze

This blog focuses on the articles based on science and technology. By reading this articles you would definitely develop interest in science. This articles would be only for educational purposes and would help you in knowing new tech things also with your studies , if you are science student.
We are incredibly vulnerable to the whims of our own galaxy. A single large asteroid could take us out forever. To survive we have to reach beyond the home planet. Think what a tragedy it would be if all the humans have accomplished were suddenly obliterated.
There's another reason we would go is exploration is in our D.N.A. Two million years ago humans evolved in Africa and slowly but surely spread out across the entire planet by reaching into the wilderness that was beyond their horizons. This stuff is inside us.
Some of the greatest advances in civilization and technology came because we explored. Yes we could a lot good with the money it will take to establish a thriving colony on Mars. Yes, we should be all taking far better care of our own home planet. I worry we could screw up mars the way we have screwed up earth.
Mars is not our sister planet. It's far less than half the size of the earth. The atmosphere of mars is very thin, 100 times thinner than on earth and it's not breathable, its 96% carbon dioxide. It's really cold there. The average temperature is -81 degrees, although there is quite a range of temperature.
A day on Mars is about as long as day on Earth, plus about 39 minutes. Seasons and years on mars are twice as long as they are on earth. Mars has a lot less gravity than on earth about 38% of that of earth, where you can jump your car instead of walk around it.
Now you can see Mars isn't exactly earth like, but it's by far the other most livable planet in our entire solar system. Here's the problem. Mars is long way away, a thousand times away from us than our moon. The moon is 250,000 miles away and it took Apollo astronauts three days to go there. Mars is 250 million miles away and it will take 8 months to get there, 240 days.
That's only when we launch on a very specific day, at a very specific time, once every two years, when mars and earth are aligned just so, so the distance that the rocket would have to travel will be the shortest. So getting to Mars is not going to be easy and that brings up a very interesting question.
So let's think about this for a minute. Food, shelter, clothing, water, oxygen we can do this. But it's still a little complicated and a little difficult. so that lead to the next big step in living the good life on mars.
That sounds like lot of hubris, but the truth is that the technology to do everything I'm about to tell you already exists. First we have got to warm it up. Mars is incredibly cold because it has a very thin atmosphere.
The answer lies here, at the south pole and the north pole of mars, both of which are covered with an incredible amount of carbon dioxide.If we heat it up, it sublimes directly into the atmosphere and thickens the atmosphere the same way it does on earth. As we know CO2 is an incredibly potent green house gas.
At the perfect day on the middle of mars at the equator, temperatures can actually reach 70 degrees, but they go down to minus 100 at night. What we are shooting for is a runaway greenhouse effect: enough temperature rise to see lot of that ice on mars melt.
Then we get some real magic. As the atmosphere gets thicker, everything gets better. We get more protection from radiation, more atmosphere makes the planet warmer, so we get running water and that makes crops possible. Then more water vapor goes into the air, forming yet another potent greenhouse gas. It will rain and it will snow on mars.
Thicker atmosphere will create enough pressure, so that we can throw away those space suits. We only need about 5 pounds of pressure to survive. We will face a another problem of making atmosphere breathable and frankly that could take 1000 years to accomplish.
But humans are amazingly smart and incredibly adaptable. There is no telling what our future technology will be able to accomplish and no telling that what we can do with our own bodies. In biology right now, we are on the very verge of being able to control our own genetics, what the genes in our own bodies are doing, and certainly, eventually our own evolution.
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